You are currently viewing The Manager’s Role in Mastering Retention
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As someone who has spent quite some time in the workplace, I’ve noticed something odd: talented people seem to leave their jobs more often than not. It’s always a bit baffling when someone with all the skills and abilities a company needs up and leaves for seemingly no reason. A study has shown that 57% of employees leave because of their manager.  So, what can managers do to retain their best and brightest workers? And is there anything they can do to avoid the flight of the most talented folks in the first place?

Picture this: your office is like the set of an alien abduction movie, with employees mysteriously disappearing into the unknown. While it may not be extraterrestrial forces at play, you might want to blame it on something a lot closer to home – your managers! Yes, you read that right. Managers have a significant role in whether your star employees stay for the sequel or vanish like UFOs in the night. 

So, let’s dive into this adventure of retention, with a twist of fun and a pinch of manager training. Let us find out what can managers do to retain their best and brightest workers.

Acknowledge Their Contributions

One of the biggest reasons talented employees leave is because they feel underappreciated. It’s easy to forget that even the most confident and skilled workers need recognition and appreciation from time to time to keep them motivated. Managers should make an effort to acknowledge contributions and achievements, even if they may seem small. A simple “thank you” every now and then can go a long way in making someone feel valued and appreciated.

Invest in Their Development

Talented employees often have a hunger for growth and development. Rather than letting them outgrow their positions or stagnate in them, managers should invest in their employee’s development. This may take the form of training, mentorship, or more significant roles within the company. Offering these development opportunities shows employees that the company is invested in their long-term success and is working to help them achieve their goals.

Provide Meaningful Feedback

Feedback is essential for employee development and growth. But, it’s essential to offer feedback in a constructive, meaningful way. Managers should provide regular feedback that’s tailored to individual employees’ strengths, weaknesses, and goals. This kind of feedback helps employees understand what they’re doing well and where they need to improve. It’s important to recognize feedback as an opportunity for growth, not as criticism.

Foster a Positive Work Environment

Creating a fun, collaborative, and positive work environment can make a significant difference in employee retention. People want to work in an environment that’s supportive of their work-life balance, values their growth, and feels like a community. Managers can help to build this type of environment by creating opportunities for socialization, fostering transparent communication, and developing relationships with employees.

Offer Competitive Benefits and Compensation

While money isn’t everything, it’s a valid concern for talented employees. Salary and benefits packages must be competitive with alternatives in the industry. Workers who feel they’re not being paid or supported appropriately may become disillusioned or disengaged. Providing employees with benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, or flexible time-off policies can make a massive difference.

Talent retention is critical to the long-term success of any company. But, it’s not just up to employees to stay committed; managers need to do their part in facilitating a work environment that enables worker success and satisfaction. By investing in employee development, acknowledging contributions, fostering community, providing feedback, and offering competitive benefits and compensation, companies can raise and retain their best talent for many years to come. After all, when a company retains its best employees, better growth, higher profit, and more satisfied clients will follow.

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Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your workplace, engage your employees, and see remarkable improvements in your bottom-line results. Reach out to us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you create a healthier, more vibrant, and ultimately more successful workplace!

By Civility Partners >>

“We are committed to helping your organization meet its goals by partnering with you to develop and deliver systemic solutions to negative workplace behaviors. We will partner with you to build a positive and healthy work environment so your employees can thrive.

We don’t focus on the corrective actions involving eradication of problems and negativity, we focus on finding solutions that create a safe and civil workplace – and there’s a difference. Focusing on solutions creates preventative and sustainable change.

Negative and aggressive workplace behaviors are systemic. In order to effectively remove them, holistic and system-wide solutions that are tailored to your organization and focused on prevention, not correction, are required.”


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