You are currently viewing A (casual) Interview with Helena Naaman, General Manager of ‘Accountants in Cyprus’ and ‘Lawyers in Cyprus’
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When someone searches over the Internet for very important (and difficult to rank) terms such as ‘Lawyers in Cyprus’, ‘Accountants in Cyprus’ and other similar, they get some very interesting suggestions as search results, 2 being managed by Sedinvest Enterprises Ltd.

The 2 sister websites, Accountants in Cyprus and Lawyers in Cyprus’ are the ‘brainchilds’ of Helena Naaman, a businesswoman who, if you are a lawyer or accountant in Cyprus and you don’t know her, well, too bad for you.

You work with lawyers and auditors. which group is more ‘marketing-oriented’?

Until today I would respond beyond doubt, lawyers. From the start lawyers in Cyprus but also in Malta faced a lack of promotion opportunities due to regulations that prohibited legal firms from promoting their services in printed form. Once the internet started to gain a significant role in every aspect of our life and different rules started to apply regarding online marketing lawyers embraced our efforts and started promoting their firms.
In the beginning, they were seeking to list their services, to be visible in the form of listings and banners however the increased usage of the internet, and the huge developments in technology have led to a more indirect but systematic way of promotion through publications of articles, news and other announcements concerning their firms.  Today more accountants especially those with global reach identify the value of online promotional campaigns and the value of content.

Cyprus law and audit firms are a major force in our economy. What would you suggest to them in order to expand?

More transparency and less bureaucracy, systematic promotions online, emphasis on the local market and their needs, focus on other legal areas of practice such as IT law, iGaming, privacy, cybersecurity, GDPR, international transactions and build expertise and verifiability of data collected by these new types of smart technology.

From your experience, what elements should a good article have to be ‘reader friendly’?

First, unique quality content with good structure, the use of bullet points, clear comprehensible language using related sources/backlinks, a strong summarizing paragraph to attract the reader, related high-resolution images and preferably unique creative images are strongly appreciated by the reader but also from the search engines that help articles rank well on related search terms.

AI in your business. do you use it?

AI is undoubtedly important as it facilitates the workflow, gets things done more efficiently and automates routine tasks. We are using it at a certain point, but it has not reached its full potential in our work environment yet.

There is an increase in podcasts created by big firms in other countries. Do Cypriot law and audit firms go with the flow?

I would say not yet, even though you can sporadically see some few especially large firms organize podcasts. I believe podcasts in Cyprus will slowly accelerate as the demands of our new modern life pressure us to multitask more efficiently. Therefore, by listening to any podcast of your interest, you can educate yourself and oversee any other task simultaneously.

Where do you see the local services industry heading for the next 5 years?

The local services industry would probably find its way to prevail and grow as Cyprus’s strategic position, and favourable tax system attract investors from all over the world despite all the scandals in the past years. The legal demands that arise with the innovative technologies will most probably increase the need for legal services; the question is rather, where will all locals not involved with the provision of services to non-nationals end up? We see that the prices of properties, rents, goods, and services have increased in the past year because of the demand of all non-nationals in Cyprus leaving a large group of locals with no opportunity to buy or build a house. The inflation caused by a series of exogenous factors makes life unbearable for a large group of people. The government needs a more structural strategy taking into consideration all the side effects of foreign investments, boosting Cyprus local firms in various sectors, giving incentives and stimulating the local economy as well.

Which countries are the biggest competitors for the local professional services firms?

It depends on which target group we are referring to and for which services. For Russian clients, I would say, the UAE especially after the war in Ukraine and after the sanctions imposed on various Russian clients. For clients interested in ship registration and maritime law I believe Malta has done a great job of attracting ship-owners to register their vessels under the Malta flag which ranks in the 6th position worldwide. However, Cyprus is still one of the top options for businesses interested in relocating and investing in various ways.

How did you end up in Cyprus?!

Being a Cypriot who grew up with Greek/Cyprus values in Sweden, Cyprus was always the ideal destination to end up at. The perfect sunny weather, the rich culture I identified myself with, the tasty Mediterranean food, the safety, the easy access to anywhere and all the potential for growth I saw as a graduate attracted me. Therefore, after my studies at Gothenburg University, I relocated directly so I would avoid the temptation of the high salaries provided to young graduates and remain (in comparison to Cyprus wages back then). Starting from nothing in Cyprus was not easy but it’s a choice I never regret especially after establishing my business and building up my family.

Describe a normal day at the office.

It starts with a filter coffee (often imported from Sweden, some habits never change) and after that, I’m alert for all the daily administration of work involving coordination of tasks with our partners regarding ongoing efforts to optimize our portals, such as SEO, technical matters, new developments, newsletter campaigns, social media announcements. Regularly contact our existing members to assist them with their promotion strategy which can involve regular publications of articles and other announcements, the preparation of interviews and also meetings with new firms interested in our services.

Electric scooter or bike?

Bike, however the lack of infrastructure for bikes and pedestrians in Cyprus is a huge problem.

PC or laptop?

Laptop, easy to work with from anywhere, connect it to a bigger screen etc.

What do you like and what do you hate about Cyprus?

I hate the one-sided information on various political issues and the lack of freedom of speech in the media and in the contrary I like that there are still people researching before creating an opinion about any matter.

Frappe or cappuccino?

Absolutely Cappuccino…instant coffee is not even an option for me.

Helena Naaman is the General Manager of Sedinvest Enterprises Ltd, a media company that owns the popular portals, Accountants in Cyprus, Lawyers in Cyprus and Lawyers in Malta.

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