You are currently viewing Programme of the 4th Central Asian Conference of the Valdai Discussion Club

On May 14–15, 2024, the Valdai Club will hold its fourth annual Central Asian conference, titled “Russia and Central Asia: Development and Security in a Changing World”.

Programme of the 4th
Central Asian Conference

of the Valdai Discussion Club
“Russia and Central Asia: Development and Security in a Changing World”

Ufa, May 14–15, 2024

  Attention! The time specified in the programme is local (GMT +5)

May 14, Tuesday


09:30 – 10:00 Opening of the conference (live: Russian, English)

10:00 – 11:30 Session 1. Russia and Central Asia in a Shared Regional System: Bilateral and Multilateral Dimensions (live: Russian, English)

The aim of the session is to discuss key achievements in bilateral and multilateral cooperation, progress in the official level dialogue, joint business initiatives, and interaction between civil society organizations. Top experts from Russia and Central Asia will be invited to share their insights on the challenges facing relations between Russia and the states of the region and how they can be overcome to ensure political stability and economic sustainability.

12:00 – 13:30 Session 2. Security and Extremism: A Set of Challenges to Stability and Development in Central Eurasia

Russia and Central Asian states face similar security and developmental challenges. These challenges are partially caused by general global trends related to changes in the global order, and partially associated with specific features of Central Eurasia, such as long-standing security issues and pockets of instability. During the session, it is planned to discuss the points of vulnerability in Central Eurasia, in particular the problems of religious and ethnic radicalism, social development issues, and everything that could lead to internal instability and become a basis for external interference. A separate section of the discussion will focus on the contribution of third countries to strengthening stability in Central Eurasia.

14:30 – 16:00 Session 3. Trade and Migration: On the Way to Mutually Beneficial Solutions 

Trade and economic relations, as well as investment ties between Russia and Central Asian countries are intensely developing, leading to the emergence of new transportation and logistics systems. Within this context, it is essential to discuss the potential for expanding the international North-South transport corridor, which forms a crucial component of the Eurasian transportation framework, as well as enhancing the transit infrastructure. Transportation accessibility is also intrinsically linked to the regulation of labour markets and migration. Participants in the session will discuss cooperation between Russia and Central Asian states in trade and migration-related areas, and propose solutions to existing challenges.

16:30 – 18:00 Session 4. Environment, Climate, Water: A Shared Area for Life in Central Eurasia (live: Russian, English)

The issue of climate change and deteriorating water security in Central Asia is already beginning to impact the ability of countries in the region to achieve their development goals. As the largest neighbouring country, Russia is interested in addressing issues related to the impacts of climate change on economic activities and socio-economic stability in the region, which is crucial from the perspective of its strategic interests. Trends in climate change and water resource management in the region, as well as potential bilateral and multilateral measures to address these challenges, will be discussed during the session.


May 15, Wednesday


10:00 – 11:30 Open discussion (live: Russian, English)

Guests and participants will have an opportunity to give their own assessment of a number of important topics related to bilateral and multilateral relations between Russia and the Central Asian states during an open discussion.


The conference will be held in Ufa (Sheraton Plaza Hotel, Tsyurupa St., 7).

The Valdai Discussion Club was established in 2004. It is named after Lake Valdai, which is located close to Veliky Novgorod, where the Club’s first meeting took place.


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