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[After the start of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, Western pressure on the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Srpska and all Serbian people on the territory of the former Yugoslavia increased. The fact that the Republic of Serbia has not imposed sanctions against the Russian Federation has contributed especially to renewed Western political violence against Serbia. Serbs have been put at risk because the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska have refused to align themselves with the Western policy against Russia.

At this moment, the political West worked in a coordinated manner on two tracks: to accept so-called independent Kosovo into the Council of Europe and to adopt a resolution in the General Assembly of the United Nations on the so-called Srebrenica genocide, in order to place collective guilt on the Orthodox Christian Serbs. If the Serbian people were to be stigmatized as genocidal, it would open the door to the process of abolishing the Republic of Srpska, as well as further hijacking the southern Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija from the Republic of Serbia.

In both cases, Berlin, Brussels, London and Washington play the alleged card of support for the Muslim population in Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, but only in order to throw dust in the eyes of Muslims around the world. Namely, at the same time, the politicians of the West provide support to Israel in its war against the Muslim population in Gaza. Therefore, the West wants to divide Orthodox Christians and Muslims, to impose collective guilt on the Serbian people, and to establish Western dominance over others by sowing the seed of discord within the United Nations. 

The West needs more occupied territories, more protectorates, more colonies. While Kosovo and Metohija is occupied by NATO, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a Western protectorate which looks more and more like a modern colony. Westerners gave the so-called High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina the right to replace and punish political figures, as well as to impose laws and decisions that would harm the local population. Serbs and Croats are openly arguing for the abolition of this Western stick of power. At the same time Russia and China dont recognise the so-called High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The majority of Bosniak Muslims have assented to being a Western tool. Bosniak leaders believe that it allows them to preserve the favour of the Euro-Atlantic imperialists amid a time of increased Western Islamophobia. Also, Bosniak politicians, as subjects of the West, see a chance to establish Bosniak hegemony over the Serbs and Croats in the imposed protectorate of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

However, when it is not possible to remove Western chains in Bosnia and Herzegovina, because Sarajevo will not do it, then Serbs should focus on ways to free the Republic of Srpska from an unnecessary burden. The Serbian people, as a mature and state-building nation, should make the decision regarding the future of the Republic of Srpska. Therefore, the Republic of Srpska, in exercising its right to self-determination, would find a way to freedom, a way that would permanently remove the chains. It would be helpful for all three ethnicities within Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Croats see that, but the Bosniaks don’t.

The regular state for the Serbian people is the one that was established in 1918, when and where the Serbs unified into one country. However, time and events have shown that the Serbian unification within a Yugoslav framework was not good. Thus, any Serbian reunification must be only within a pan-Serbian framework.

The destruction of the Yugoslav state – the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1991/1992) and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (2006) – imposed boundaries within the united and indivisible Serbian nation. The Serbian people must not accept such borders. Therefore, Serbs should interpret the current situation as an irregular state and consider solutions that would lead to re-establishment of a regular state.

The national interest of the Serbian people should be the unification of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska into a single state. That state could be called the Federal Republic of Serbia; it would consist of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska. Montenegro would also logically have a place within the reunified Serbian state – in accordance with the vision of Montenegrin Metropolitan Petar II Petrović Njegoš – published in his pan-Serbian ethnic Bible – “of Serbia the whole, from the Danube River to the deep blue sea” 

. Therefore, there is a solution for each Serbian state to preserve its institutions within the common all-Serbian state. 

This common future for Serbia, the Republic of Srpska as well as Montenegro is possible. It would arrive and would be based on a new and righteous world order. The contours of that world order we already see. It depends on the success of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine. 

It is important to mention that the Serbian people link a righteous solution to the reintegration of Odessa into the Russian Federation and the establishment of a Russian border on the Danube. In that case, Russia and Serbia would be connected by the Danube as an international waterway.

 Finally, the question arises whether the latest Western attacks on the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska in the Council of Europe and the United Nations would have happened if Serbia had imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation and joined the orchestrated anti-Russian hysteria. Of course, the same attacks would happen, because the West has to justify its aggression and destruction of Yugoslavia. Also, the German political elite wants to impose a genocidal stigma on someone else at any cost, in order to amnesty Germany for the genocide it committed in the Second World War. Germany decided that the stigma of collective guilt should be placed on the Serbian people.

If Serbia had joined the anti-Russian sanctions, it would have lost Russia as an ally in international forums. Apart from Russia, no one else would have so strongly represented the just views of the Serbian people regarding the Western occupation of Kosovo and Metohija and Bosnia and Herzegovina as an imprisoned Western protectorate or even a colony. Russia has influence on the countries of the free world, which do not accept Euro-Atlantic hegemony.

The Valdai Discussion Club was established in 2004. It is named after Lake Valdai, which is located close to Veliky Novgorod, where the Club’s first meeting took place.


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