About Us & What we do
We wanted to create a single point of reference for all the interesting articles and opinions that float around different websites, newspapers, magazines, blogs, and other sources.
We re-publish interesting articles from reputable companies, universities, think tanks, or other sources that we believe can offer a good understanding of a business-related topic or at least an interesting topic in general.
The basic criterion: Would a CEO find that article interesting?
If for any reason you believe that we should remove certain content from our page please contact us directly.
We created this website in order to give the opportunity to every business owner, CEO, manager, professor, university student, or employee to publish his article, opinion, comment, essay, or any other type of content they think is worthy of the World to read.
If you have an article that you want it posted here, you can use the page contribute with your article to send it to us and, if everything is in order (rules apply), we will publish it.
You can also recommend articles or topics that you would like to read using our Contact page. We will do what we can to research the topic or find an expert on that subject and ask to contribute.
Who we are

Nikos Christoforou BA, MBA, FCIM – Linkedin profile >
Nikos has a bachelor’s degree in Marketing with a specialization in Internet Marketing and an MBA with specialization in direct Marketing effectiveness.
Nikos has over 20 years of experience in various managerial and marketing positions in Cyprus and Greece.
Interested in becoming a part of our team? Use the contact form on our contact page and send us a message. Make sure to include a paragraph about yourself, if you specialize in a subject or area, and how do you think you can contribute to our effort here in Cyprus-CEO.