Can police force you to unlock your phone?

The ability of police to force a person to unlock their phone has improved since the recent introduction of digital evidence access order legislation in New South Wales. This has extended police powers, allowing law enforcement to compel individuals to provide passcodes to electronic devices. The are hefty penalties including…

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Is Financial Abuse a Crime?

With stricter domestic violence laws being introduced, a common question being asked is whether financial abuse is a crime. While this has previously been seen in the context of family law proceedings, the introduction of coercive control as a criminal offence has expanded the consequences of financial abuse. This is…

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Is Verbal Abuse a Crime?

Victims of verbal abuse often wonder whether it is a crime and whether there is any recourse for them. This is particularly so when it occurs in the context of a domestic violence situation. Obtaining an apprehended violence order (AVO) is a possibility but only in circumstances where the conduct…

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How to beat a sexual assault charge

The question of how to beat a sexual assault charge is one that criminal defence lawyers field on a regular basis. In today’s climate, defending these allegations has become extremely difficult. This is due to a range of factors such as the onset of the ‘metoo’ movement, changing attitudes to…

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