Home-grown innovation investment for UK agri-food

British farmers and food producers started the new year with some good news from government. Labelling rules are to be clarified to help make UK products stand out more to consumers, the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) announced. This ‘Buy British’ measure may be modest, but it…

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Material science fueling leaps forward

Innovation in material science has shaped the world and civilisation as we know it, from the first use of concrete-like material around 8000 years ago to the development of a new alternative material for effective thermal management in advanced wearable electronics just this year. Scientists are constantly looking for new…

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Safety of cryptocurrency is in the numbers

The safety of cryptocurrency comes under regular scrutiny. Safely guiding customers through the complexities of crypto requires a joint effort between banks, fintech companies, and customers. By fostering a collaborative approach, financial institutions can empower their customers to confidently embrace digital assets while minimising risks.  A lot of potential users…

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What makes a good mentor?

Important as formal training programmes are for developing people, some of the most effective learning happens on the job. More experienced colleagues can be the best coaches. While some educators draw sharp distinctions between coaching and mentoring, a lot of this informal support and advice is essentially mentoring. As well…

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Is The metaverse altering tech and life as we know it?

With many in the computer science industry naming the metaverse as the next iteration of the internet it should come as no surprise that this concept is projected to grow from USD 22.79 billion in 2021 to USD 996.42 billion in 2030 according to GlobalData. This prediction denotes that the…

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Monthly digest by Ayming Consulting

Can the Cloud Accelerate the Transition to Lower Carbon Industries? In today’s ever-evolving landscape, technological advancements play a pivotal role in propelling innovation and shaping industries. One area that holds immense potential is the cloud computing ecosystem and its capacity to expedite the transition to lower carbon industries. The cloud…

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Tackling unconscious bias in business

Unconscious bias training has had a bad press. Critics claims that some corporate courses have little or no lasting value, or even reinforce negative stereotypes. This may partly reflect a backlash by some against social change in general; rising cultural awareness in the hard-headed world of business; or training that’s…

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R and D Tax 101

We speak to companies every day who don’t believe the UK’s R&D incentive schemes apply to them. In reality, the definition of R&D for tax purposes covers a much broader range of activities than you might think, and some of your everyday activity could likely qualify as well. The schemes…

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