Auditing IT resources can enhance your ESG programs

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:5 mins read

A shift in thinking from “life cycle” to “use cycle” can help eliminate e-waste Instead of seeing ESG programs as an add-on, enterprises are increasingly recognizing that creating a culture of sustainability – and investing in technological advancements to support it – can have positive impacts on the business, brand,…

Retail predictions for the 2024 holiday shopping season

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Retail predictions for the 2024 holiday shopping season Lindsey Mazza Black Friday has long been one of the single most critical days of the year for retailers and brands In today’s landscape, economic uncertainty, a proliferation of digital channels and the rise of a global market are redrawing the holiday…

New quantum safe cryptographic standards future proofing financial security in the quantum age

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:8 mins read

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has released three new cryptographic standards ML-KEM, ML-DSA, and SLH-DSA, designed to protect sensitive data against the emerging threat of quantum computing. These standards are crucial for the financial services sector, which is particularly vulnerable to the risks posed by quantum technology.…

GenAI for intelligent industry

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:21 mins read

Generative AI’s (GenAI) power to transform every aspect of our lives is now common knowledge But business leaders are still unsure exactly how to make this revolutionary technology an integral part of their activities. The truth is that the integration of Generative AI for operations requires a very different approach…

A brave new (generative) world – The future of generative software engineering

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:12 mins read

This blog article explores potential futures in software engineering based on current advancements in generative AI. While the content presents a plausible vision, it cannot predict the future. Our purpose is to inspire software engineers, software companies and enterprises who are embracing the next generation of ‘product-centric’ business models driven…

Breaking free from confirmation bias in AI

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:5 mins read

A Call for a better Approach to all Things AI Robert Engels Being in San Francisco, this vibrant and living city, full of ideas and willingness to move onward I could not help myself getting into a thought or two on the sociology of trends and commercial interests. In our…

Generative AI is only as good as the data you feed it

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Generative AI is the pinnacle of data science. It will boost profits, reduce costs, and help you expand into new markets. To take full advantage of generative AI’s capabilities, train your models on all your data. Taylor Brown The world is being transformed by AI-assisted medicine, education, scientific research, law, and…

Inventory management challenges – The role of analytics and AI

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Confronted with alarming automotive industry supply chain disruption, OEMs have recently tended to respond by stockpiling additional components. By: Fredrik Almhöjd While this helps them avoid interruptions to the assembly line, it means tying up working capital in inventory – a costly and wasteful strategy that truck OEMs, in particular,…

A revolution in food packaging

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:5 mins read

How (and why) Product Lifecycle Management will transform the industry Food packaging is an integral part of the modern food industry, ensuring the safety, freshness, and quality of products as they make their way from the manufacturer to the consumer’s table. Over the years, food packaging has evolved significantly, driven…

Embedded finance: unlocking the $500Bn opportunity

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:6 mins read

The revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) was passed by the Council of the European Union in 2015, and widely implemented in 2017. The regulation ushered the banking industry to the Open Banking era of seamless data exchange. The implications of this regulation were not restricted to only Europe. We witnessed…

I see you: Opening the AI black box

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:11 mins read

Cyprus CEO summary: Customer trust in AI relies on explainability. A data science team faced a puzzling problem as their algorithm achieved high accuracy in dog breed identification but inexplicably kept tagging different breeds as huskies. After adding explainability, they discovered the AI wasn't considering animal features but rather background…

Reimagine your employee journey into an amazing people experience

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Stephan Paolini - Creating and sustaining an environment in which employees are engaged and thrive requires more than an IT solution or a revised organization. It demands the transformation of your employees’ daily journey into a truly amazing People Experience. All too often, there’s a big gap between what senior…

In the aftermath of a storm: reshaping of wealth management

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Abhishek Singh - A perfect storm has swept through the wealth management industry. For nearly a decade, the industry experienced significant growth. In 2022, that all changed. Population decline and falling numbers of high net-worth individuals (HNWI) coupled with geopolitical woes and macroeconomic conditions crafted an uncertain future. Yet, as…

E-invoicing solutions – optimize your invoicing process to drive competitive advantage

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Mahalakshmi Ramakrishnan - Leveraging proven AI-driven accounts payables solutions from an experienced service provider can help you implement a best-in-class e-invoicing tool that delivers improved compliance, accuracy, efficiency, cost saving, and sustainability. In recent years, e-invoicing has gained increasing importance as organizations look to reduce invoice processing costs and cycle…

Rethinking Cost Optimization: From Cutting Corners to Fueling Growth

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Ever wondered if the tried and tested way organizations navigate the volatile economic landscape – slashing budgets and cutting costs – is the most effective? The sentiment is understandable. We all grapple with surging costs – rising mortgages, soaring living expenses, and salaries that lag behind inflation. Add to that…

The major trends in the semiconductor industry right now

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:14 mins read

In the past months, we witnessed two major semiconductor events across the globe: The 2023 Global Semiconductor Alliance’s (GSA) European Executive Forum gathered leading global senior executives on June 14-15 in Munich to embrace the most pressing issues affecting an industry caught in the throes of change. SEMICON West 2023 took place in…

Software-defined vehicles: the answer to truck driver shortages?

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Although most truck OEMs acknowledge Software-driven vehicles as a new norm for the commercial vehicle industry, they still need to convince their customers that these vehicles will add value to their businesses – especially around the top three objectives of improved uptime, productivity, and fuel efficiency. Fredrik Almhöjd SDVs have…

Data and Tech: The future of commerce is connected

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Kees Jacobs Part 3: Embed data within the business Welcome to the third part of this initial blog series on the future of commerce and the role of data and technology. In the earlier parts, we discussed the impact of channel-less commerce, the need for connected capabilities, the significance of…

Building virtual storage in electricity

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Is there a shortcut?   Dr Danica Vukadinovic Greetham Flexibility and predictability in electric grids – multi-scale challenges and future directions through meso-level aggregation. Needed: Intelligent Local Grids. When: Immediately The push to NetZero places most of its bets on electrification[1]. While, on average, total UK electricity demand has been…

Prepare today for tomorrow’s cyber crisis – Why incident response matters

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Imagine you are driving a car and suddenly encounter a roadblock. Would you have a detour plan ready to navigate around it or would you continue driving, hoping it would disappear? You only have one choice, right? Now consider this in the context of cybersecurity incident response where only 30%…

AI is booming for boomers

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Working with the folks at the Capgemini Research Institute is always fun, when we set up the surveys the intent is always to find things out rather than prove them. With the latest report on Consumer adoption of Generative AI that mindset has led to me losing a friendly wager. By Steve Jones Because…

How to make product design in consumer products Sustainable

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Is it an R&D problem? Customers increasingly demand sustainable products. But, with the rising cost of living, they also want affordability and convenience. Consumer product companies must research and develop faster, to maintain product appeal, whilst reducing their environmental impact. R&D is at the forefront of innovation, relentlessly developing new…

Strategies for Success – Supply Chain Transformation in Aerospace/Defense

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:10 mins read

We’ve all felt the crunch post-pandemic. However, aerospace and defense suppliers seem to have felt this crunch with particular intensity. From a state of near-zero demand during the height of lockdowns, the industry has rapidly shifted to meeting the skyrocketing demand as borders reopen and consumers resume travel. This unprecedented…

Sustainable packaging: a critical part of your green credentials

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Packaging is the window to the product. It shapes buying decisions and provides vital information. It protects the product, ensuring happy customers, and minimising returns and waste. Perhaps most importantly in the current age, the choice of packaging shows a company’s commitment to sustainability. By: Maryem Sahnoun  In recent years,…

Hydrogen – The Future of Automotive Fuel

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Why hydrogen and how to implement it? This article explains why hydrogen is the best option for the future and lays out a basic approach for attaining a hydrogen economy. Underpinned by a global shift towards decarbonization, hydrogen is gaining significance as an energy vector, especially for high-emission sectors that…

Beyond balancing the books for financial services

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:12 mins read

Is there more to FinOps than cost reduction for financial services organizations? Our FinOps experts share their perspectives from their firsthand experience. In recent years, the financial services sector has seen an increase in the pace of digitization. This is a reaction to the demands of the omnichannel customer and…

FinOps: Building the pillars for success

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Implementing FinOps relies on governance, support, and ownership  FinOps uses technology and data to lower the cost of operations in line with the cloud computing model selected by cloud vendors. However, achieving a profitable and efficient optimization model requires more than the basic applications of FinOps optimization actions. Success starts…

Open data maturity can help deliver EU’s European Green Deal

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:7 mins read

  A European Green Deal is one of the six strategic priorities targeted by the European Commission for the years 2019-2024. It aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by becoming a modern, resource-efficient economy. The EC believes that access to data (both open and private) is crucial to…

Customer centricity: a proven source of revenue

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:5 mins read

CUSTOMER CENTRICITY: A PROVEN SOURCE OF REVENUE Customer centricity might seem like a secondary concern for banks – but it isn’t. Some firms may view customer experience (CX) initiatives as a trade-off and prioritize other outcomes that they see as having a clearer link to value, such as cost reduction…

At Retiretech 2.0: Focusing on the future and the need to evolve

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:6 mins read

The financial services industry is changing all around us. The trend started in the property and casualty insurance (P&C) industry and rolled into banking. And, let’s be honest, it was a necessity. Now we are seeing major changes occurring in the life insurance as well as benefits spaces. What’s bringing…