Exports to China have become less important

German exports to Eastern European countries and the US have fully compensated for the weaker development of exports to China. The increase of exports to Eastern Europe has mainly been driven by Poland, which alone has reached a share of 6% in total German exports in 2024 YTD – and…


German auto industry: Too much gravity

AuthorAnalyst+49(69)910-31730Deutsche Bank Research ManagementRobin WinklerVolkswagens’s recent public considerations to possibly shut down plants in Germany and lay off employees for operational reasons came like a bombshell. Nevertheless, we have been pointing out for some time that the balance between production and employment in the automotive industry in Germany is disturbed.…

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Germany: The end of the single-family home?

Over more than 50 years, the number of newly built single-family homes has trended lower In the 1970s, around 250,000 single-family homes were completed each year. This figure had fallen to less than 150,000 by the time of reunification. Subsequently, there was a strong catch-up in the new states. At…

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2023: A year to remember for European banks

It has been an exciting year for Europe’s banking industry. Major central banks such as the ECB and the Bank of England continued to hike interest rates rapidly, to levels not seen since at least the financial crisis. This has led to wider interest margins and boosted the sector’s most…

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Germany’s competitiveness between pioneer and laggard

Over the last winter, the potential energy crisis and high uncertainty resulted in a GDP contraction of 0.9% over Q4 and Q1. This decline was clearly caused by external factors. In particular, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine massively disrupted gas and energy supply forcing a rapid reorganization. Fortunately, downside scenarios of…

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Fantastic first-half for European banks: More profitable than ever

Driven by surging interest rates, the European banking sector has rebounded. In the first six months of the year it achieved its best result since the financial crisis and even surpassed the pre-crisis peak of 2007, at least in nominal terms. The biggest driver at the 22 major institutions, a…

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More and older cars in Germany

Cars are by far the most popular and important means of transport The car is still by far the most important means of passenger transport. According to the latest DAT report, 77% of those surveyed consider their own car indispensable for ensuring everyday mobility. In 2021, just under 87% of…

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European autonomy in payments: Digital euro is not the only option

Inspired by the overarching goal to strengthen the EU’s strategic autonomy, its authorities are pushing for a retail payment solution provided by European players and functioning in all member states as well as across national borders. European citizens already enjoy a wide choice of payment options. However, card and mobile/online…

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