How Humans Outshine AI in Adapting to Change

You’ve probably never thought about all the split-second adjustments you make in a single day to perform different tasks. Wake up in a hotel room, walk into a library, sit behind the wheel of a car, or swipe up to access your phone apps. Each time, you automatically “self-orient” before…

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Open Source Software: The $9 Trillion Resource Companies Take for Granted

What does it take to put a price tag on open source software (OSS), a resource so critical to the global economy that some 96 percent of commercial programs include some code created, tinkered with, or distributed for free by public-facing tech forums?A new paper presents an eyebrow-raising figure. Without…

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When It Comes to Climate Regulation, Energy Companies Take a More Nuanced View

Common wisdom holds that oil and gas companies, electric utilities, and other industries known for their large carbon emissions generally oppose clean energy policies. Now, a study of corporate advocacy spanning 30 years reveals that many companies are more flexible than previously thought. When confronted with political, policy, and market…

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Let’s Talk: Why It’s Time to Stop Avoiding Taboo Topics at Work

You feel your career stalling, with no clear path for advancement or a raise. You know the right conversation, artfully navigated, with the right individual at the right time is necessary—but approaching that moment requires ingenuity and skill.From politics to sex, hot-button topics arise all the time in the workplace…

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Publish or Perish: What the Research Says About Productivity in Academia

To succeed in academia, professors often feel the pressure to “publish or perish.”But in evaluating professors’ productivity based on total published studies and grant funding, are institutions overlooking other factors that affect a faculty member’s ability to conduct important research? “We rely on things like the publication record and grant…

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How to Bring Good Ideas to Life: The Paul English Story

Brian Kenny: It's hard to find a better example of an inventive genius than Thomas Alva Edison, creator of the light bulb, the phonograph, alkaline batteries, x-rays, and over a thousand other devices that changed the world. And he was equally prolific in business, launching over 100 companies to promote…

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How Used Products Can Unlock New Markets: Lessons from Apple’s Refurbished iPhones

Some of Apple’s most loyal customers think nothing of upgrading to the latest iPhone every time one comes out. But what about consumers who can’t splurge on a $1,000 iPhone 15 Pro? And what about the electronic waste that would accrue if people threw away functional phones?Long before there were…

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Is Your Workplace Biased Against Introverts?

Managers almost universally say they want to see passion in their employees. Yet sometimes, they can’t spot it when it’s right in front of them.Extroverted employees are more likely to be considered passionate compared to more introverted colleagues—even if it’s not true—according to recent Harvard Business School research. That’s because…

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As AI Upends Recruiting, Job Seekers Need a Waze App for Careers

Artificial intelligence is changing the nature of work on a scale some predict will be as transformative as the Industrial Revolution. It’s also exposing the yawning gaps in a fractured US employment system that many companies and workers find difficult to navigate.The situation demands a dramatic overhaul of how policymakers,…

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How to Make AI ‘Forget’ All the Private Data It Shouldn’t Have

There’s a virtual elephant in AI’s room: It’s nearly impossible to make the technology forget.And there are an increasing number of scenarios where consumers and programmers may not only want to remove data from a machine learning model—they may be required to do so by law. For instance, since Europe’s…

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How Could Harvard Decarbonize Its Supply Chain?

Brian Kenny: One sage piece of advice I heard long ago, is to worry only about what I can control, which works great until you're responsible for an outcome that involves others over whom you have no control. Such as the conundrum of firms everywhere, including 96 percent of the…

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Why Companies Should Share Their DEI Data (Even When It’s Unflattering)

Companies struggling with diversity, equity, and inclusion might be tempted to hide their workforce data. Why shine a light on a company’s limited progress—or worse, risk a public-relations headache?It turns out, all news is good news when it comes to letting customers know how diverse—or not—your workforce is, says a…

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Beyond Goals: David Beckham’s Playbook for Mobilizing Star Talent

Superstar talent brings the kind of wattage that can power a business to the next level, as recent high-stakes decisions facing soccer legend David Beckham show.Two new Harvard Business School case studies examine the questions Beckham and his team pondered as he transitioned from the world’s biggest sports stage to…

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Do People Want to Work Anymore?

(AdobeStock/Halfpoint)Sometimes we experience what Yogi Berra described as “déjà vu all over again.” It happened to me several weeks ago and left me wondering whether it’s déjà vu or whether things really have changed. Years ago, my colleague at Harvard Business School, Len Schlesinger, and I published an article that…

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Want to Make Diversity Stick? Break the Cycle of Sameness

When US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died in 2020, Harvard Business School Assistant Professor Edward Chang noticed something interesting: To fill the vacancy, then-President Donald Trump replaced Ginsburg with another woman, Amy Coney Barrett, even though he had previously added two men to the bench.“There was plenty of…

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Employee Negativity Is Like Wildfire. Manage It Before It Spreads.

Regulating our own emotions in stressful situations is difficult enough, but business leaders face the added challenge of attempting to regulate the collective emotions of the groups they lead to guide them toward success. Now, research by Harvard Business School Assistant Professor Amit Goldenberg explores how emotions intensify within groups…

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What Will It Take to Confront the Invisible Mental Health Crisis in Business?

As a finance specialist, Harvard Business School Professor Lauren Cohen works to understand the dynamics that make businesses thrive. In his recent research on family companies, he has found one common thread among successful firms: They actively support their employees’ mental health. One of Cohen’s recent case studies spotlights Zak…

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How Should we govern Meta for the benefit of Society

On May 16 of 2023, Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, did something that no tech CEO had ever done before. He implored the US government to regulate his industry. One member seemed to speak for the rest in saying "The time for self-regulation is over. It's time we legislate…

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Glasses can land you a Job

Seeking a programming gig? Wear glasses and keep your laptop in frame if you want your profile picture to attract recruiters on hiring platforms. A new study finds freelancers are more likely to land work when they “look the part” for a particular job. But, as companies increasingly tap into…

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Ethics: Would You Speak Up in These 3 Sticky Situations?

Imagine you’re a consultant and you notice a few eyebrow-raising behaviors, such as a colleague who misuses a client’s meal stipend or an executive who screams inappropriately at his staff. Should you step in and speak up? For consultants, especially those starting out, the tug of war of values and…

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Subscription Fatigue is Setting In so Companies Need to Think Hard About Fees

From software that once came in a box to phone apps that do simple tasks, more products and services are moving to a subscription model—and consumers are feeling it. The average US consumer last year spent $273 a month on 12 paid subscriptions. People were already used to paying for…

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Layoffs Can Be Bad Business – 5 Strategies to Consider Before Cutting Staff

The pattern has become painfully predictable in recent years: As the economy shows signs of a slowdown, companies hand out layoff notices to stabilize profitability and calm investor fears. That cycle seems to be in place in the post-pandemic business world, as historic spikes in inflation and corresponding increases in…

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Yes, You Can Radically Change Your Organization in One Week

The biggest, thorniest organizational problems can be solved in just one week, say Frances Frei and Anne Morriss, coauthors of the new book Move Fast and Fix Things. Armed with decision-making power and the right change-management toolkit, leaders don’t need to work for months or even years to solve difficult…

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How the Hell Will the companies Behind ChatGPT, Bard, and LLaMA Make Money?

The dizzying explosion of generative artificial intelligence platforms has been the big business story of the past year, but how they’ll make money and how smart companies can use them wisely are the questions that will dominate the next 12 months. “Students and executives are no longer asking whether we…

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Working Moms Are Mostly Thriving Again. Can We Finally Achieve Gender Parity?

So much has changed since a groundbreaking study found that daughters of working moms often perform better in their own careers than daughters of stay-at-home moms—and are just as happy, to boot. Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts across higher education and corporate America have continued to broaden opportunities for women…

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Thriving After Failing: How to Turn Your Setbacks Into Triumphs

Harvard Business School Professor Amy Edmondson experienced her first big-stakes professional failure when she was just starting out in her academic career, some 30 years ago, after a decade working in engineering and consulting. Little did she know at the time, but that mortifying defeat would open the door to…

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You’re More Than Your Job: 3 Tips for a Healthier Work-Life Balance

The days of sticking with one job through retirement are long gone. Younger workers are prioritizing happiness over workplace loyalty, often out of necessity. Harvard Business School senior lecturer Christina Wallace offers a roadmap for this rebalance in her new book, The Portfolio Life: How to Future-Proof Your Career, Avoid…

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How Long Before We Live in the ‘Metaverse’?

The recent rollout of ChatGPT by OpenAI has set the world abuzz about the potential of artificial intelligence. But whatever happened to the last tech phenomenon, the “metaverse”? The once-heavily hyped future of immersive 3D technology seems to have drifted into the background, its bold virtual-reality future yet to materialize…

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‘Bunch of Weirdos’: Why Mainstream Investors Buy Crypto

In a little more than a decade, investors have transformed cryptocurrency from a techno-curiosity into a trillion-dollar-plus opportunity that has the potential to one day reshape the global economy. Yet in the past 10 years, little has been revealed about the investors who have signed on for this wild ride.…

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Employee Analytics – Productivity Dream or Micromanagement Nightmare

With more data available than ever before, why would any executive gamble on a hunch—especially for decisions that involve their own employees? An emerging field that uses data to study human behavior at work, “people analytics” is beginning to transform the workplace and significantly impact hiring and productivity, says Jeffrey…

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Why Do We Continue to Reward A, While Hoping for B?

Often the incentives we put in place to stimulate and reward performance produce unexpected behaviors. Causes vary from one individual to another, depending on what each of us values and what we are willing to do for the organization and the incentive. Misfires also occur because of policies that conflict…

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Why Better Pay Didn’t Stop Amazon Employees from Trying to Unionize

When unionization rumors begin, most companies react by throwing money at the problem. But that won’t halt the drive if workers feel mistreated or ignored, as Amazon found out. The company boosted hourly wages and benefits for warehouse workers, but many employees continued to call for union intervention. They said…

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Could a Business Model Help Big Pharma Save Lives and Profit?

With Hepatitis C running rampant in Egypt in 2012, Clifford Samuel, then of California-based Gilead Sciences, convened a series of urgent meetings with Egyptian government officials, doctors, and patients. His goal? To make Gilead’s lifesaving Hepatitis C drugs available for Egypt’s most vulnerable by harnessing a new business model. The…

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Part-Time Employees Want More Hours. Can Companies Tap This ‘Hidden’ Talent Pool?

Part-time workers who want more hours are a hugely untapped resource. Strange, since employers continue to encounter skills shortages. Why are qualified, eager workers underemployed? Harvard Business School Professor Joseph Fuller’s latest paper, “Hidden Workers, Part-Time Potential,” reveals that many such workers are caregivers, excluded from full-time jobs because short-sighted…

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Will Global Demand for Oil Peak This Decade?

Is the globe’s thirst for oil finally topping out? A major international energy watcher says yes, predicting last month that demand for global oil for transport will peak around 2026, plateau for all uses by 2028, and possibly hit a zenith by the end of the decade. Harvard experts say…

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Money Isn’t Everything: The Dos and Don’ts of Motivating Employees

In a post-pandemic business world of hybrid work and quiet quitting, companies must rethink how they motivate employees. Good incentive plans and reward structures require a careful analysis of a company’s objectives, culture, and pressure points, says Brian Hall, the Albert H. Gordon Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business…

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If you Want to Leave a Lasting Impression on Customers, Don’t Forget the Fireworks

Thousands of visitors flock to Disney World every day to immerse themselves in all kinds of exciting experiences—a cruise on the Pirates of the Caribbean; a visit to the China pavilion at EPCOT; a meet-and-greet with a favorite princess. For many guests, however, the highlight comes at the end of…

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Company Lets Employees Take Charge with Life and Death Decisions

Is it possible to truly empower employees to make their own decisions—even when those decisions could mean life or death? That is the question posed by the Dutch home healthcare organization Buurtzorg, which has radically avoided almost all middle management, allowing its nurse teams to care for their patients as…

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Really Memorable Leaders Tell Stories, Don’t Spout Statistics

It doesn’t matter if you’re crafting a pitch for tech investors, consumers, or election-season voters. If you want your target audience to remember your message the next day, tell a story. That’s one of the findings of a new study by Thomas Graeber, assistant professor of business administration at Harvard…

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A long interview on Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover and Strategic Change Lessons

On March 10, 1874, Alexander Graham Bell launched a new era in communications with the memorable but mundane phrase, "Mr. Watson, come here, I want you." 132 years later, in March of 2006, Jack Dorsey launched another communications revolution with the uninspiring and perhaps even less memorable phrase, "just set…

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