Buying properties on London estates

While location is undoubtedly a crucial factor when purchasing a property in prime central London, it is important to note that the legal frameworks implemented in these areas often contribute significantly to their appeal. In this article, we aim to address several common questions that arise when individuals seek to…

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AI-generated works: an IP headache?

Have you seen the recent pictures of Pope Francis wearing a puffer jacket in the style of Balenciaga or Elon Musk holding hands with AOC? If so, these were created using Midjourney, an artificial intelligence (AI) art generator which can be used to create images from text descriptions and prompts.…

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FATCA – transfer of data to the US illegal, says Belgian data protection authority

Following a number of GDPR complaints, including with the assistance of Mishcon de Reya, the Belgian data protection authority has held that the transfer of data to the United States under FATCA is illegal. FATCA requires the automatic exchange of sensitive personal and financial information relating to bank accounts to…

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Green Hydrogen investor pathway

Hydrogen-derived green energy is widely perceived as a potential game-changer in tackling climate change. With the pressure to reduce global emissions and achieve temperature targets, it is the focus of numerous innovators, businesses, and financial institutions. Increasingly, the question of green hydrogen is coming to the fore in both the…

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