Climate Action Litigation: Where is it headed? 

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Recent years have seen private individuals and NGOs increasingly using the courts to enforce rights in the climate sphere.  This seems to be a trend that is only going on one direction and represent a risk of which Governments and corporates alike are going to need to be increasingly aware.…

Bed Bath & Bankruptcy: Lessons for Senior Leaders

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:15 mins read

Bed Bath & Beyond (BB&B) finally filed for bankruptcy on April 23, 2023, after surviving a near-death experience earlier in the year thanks to a last-minute equity infusion from an opportunistic investor. The termination of that agreement and the subsequent failure to raise sufficient capital through new share issuance and…

Looking into the AI crystal ball

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:12 mins read

Looking into the AI crystal ball 14 March 2022 by Linda Sheehan With 2023 in full swing, it is clear that AI will continue to play an increasingly significant role in the business landscape. The demand for AI solutions and data-driven insights is on the rise, as businesses of all…

The AI and ChatGPT Boom: What You Need to Know

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Chances are, you’re hearing a lot of hype around AI. However, there’s a fine line between hype and distraction.  To keep up in the rapidly evolving digital landscape, it’s critical that consultants understand how AI can enhance and facilitate their work. In fact, we predict that professionals who learn and…

Strengthen your organisation by addressing the weakest links

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Conventional wisdom says that building on the strengths of an organisation is the most direct path to business success. It’s also the foundation of most value growth plans and talent management, which focuses on increasing the performance of high-performers. But leaders continue to scratch their heads as despite all their…

New research from Elixirr: How do CEOs and athletes compare?

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Research released by Elixirr reveals how both C-level and professional sportspeople achieve success in their fields, with both CEOs and professional athletes believing that being more mentally resilient than their competitors is the top driver of high performance. While the physical requirements of elite athletes are revered and celebrated, the…

SaaS in 2023

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:6 mins read

What is SaaS? SaaS or Software-as-a-Service is a licensing model in which the provider hosts the application and makes it available to customers over the Internet. By accessing software on a subscription basis, they let the SaaS provider manage, secure, and maintain the digital tools. This way, companies can finally…

Capturing the value of ‘one firm’

The value of working together is intuitive to most leaders. Capturing the full value of operating as one firm, however, is elusive for most. Those who drive integration and standardization from the top down often stifle business-level innovation, entrepreneurship, and client responsiveness, which can further create talent attraction and retention issues.

The Tale of the Evil Market and the Good Basic Supply Network

  • Post category:Avenir Suisse
  • Reading time:8 mins read

There’s a lot of political stalling and idealization going on. The Energy Commission of the Swiss National Council recently decided to stick with an only partially liberalized energy market. It’s following the lead of the Council of States, which has also rejected the idea of a full opening of the…

A word from a Pro HR Manager: Todays Hiring Trends

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Companies may attract and keep the greatest personnel in the market by implementing virtual recruiting, giving DEI projects top priority, embracing the gig economy, emphasizing skills over degrees, and investing in employer branding.

The End of the Liberal Order in Switzerland, the Land of Banks

  • Post category:Avenir Suisse
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Alfred Escher’s bank is history. A toxic cocktail of private mismanagement, governmental knee-jerk reactions and shaken confidence has taken its toll. The history of scandals and mismanagement at Credit Suisse had long weighed heavily. According to reports, clients and major investors had been divesting themselves of the Swiss bank’s products…

The Concentration of Critical Minerals

  • Post category:Avenir Suisse
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Recently, a discovery of so-called rare earths in Kiruna, Sweden, caused a great uproar in the media. Rare earths are a group of 17 elements that are often grouped together because they occur commonly and have similar properties. The EU Commission lists them as critical raw materials alongside metals like…

McKinsey: How tools like ChatGPT could change your business

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:8 mins read

The innovations that generative AI could ignite for businesses of all sizes and levels of technological proficiency are truly exciting. However, executives will want to remain acutely aware of the risks that exist at this early stage of the technology’s development.

Ronaldo VS Man U: When an employee airs grievance in public

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Mishcon de Reya is a Law firm with more than 600 lawyers. Lawyer David Parsons offers an exciting view and advice on how to handle, and avoid, problems with employees accusing their firms in Public. With Christiano Ronaldo being one of the best soccer players in the World, Manchester United being one of the most followed sports clubs and the World Cup in Qatar, what can be more relevant?

McKinsey knows best: Taking a skills-based approach to building the future workforce

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:20 mins read

Employers are beginning to see how skills-based practices can expand their access to great talent—but the benefits aren’t only for employers. As employers adopt these practices across their talent journeys, workers are more equipped to find better jobs based on their skills rather than their degrees, educational background, or years of experience in a specific role. In the face of ongoing macroeconomic challenges, now is the time for all stakeholders in workforce development to commit resources and support to accelerating adoption of these practices and build more equitable prosperity in communities.

An analysis of the Pros/Cons of Entrepreneurship/Employment differences

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:5 mins read

So basically, they trade their time for money, they spend their time doing a task for someone else and they get to pay for it. This way, it's used by most people because it doesn't have any risk. At the end of each month, an employee will receive their money. The cons of this method are that it is almost impossible to achieve financial freedom or self-growth.

What if Marketing was Banned?

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:5 mins read

These are just a few examples that I can think of right now to demonstrate what would happen if Marketing was suddenly gone. The world would be less colourful, less tasty, a bit more boring. People would have to work hard to choose, find, try, re-buy a product or service, differentiate themselves from the crowd, and discover alternatives.

How to kick your father out of his company

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:5 mins read

I saw many businesses where the children of Entrepreneurs would have to get fired from their parents, but the scenario where the father would have to be fired is a little more complicated. And it is more complicated because in such cases the father usually holds all the cards, has more allies, and more ‘gravity’.

The Right Way to 4-Day

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:8 mins read

The current 4-day workweek trend is the bastard child of a pandemic and the force of habit. A pandemic that forced an entire planet to first stop on its feet and then work from home, and the unstoppable Force of habit of human nature that at some point saw, and experienced, that working like this might actually work. I have my doubts. 

Hire clever, train better, fire Never

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Hiring the perfect candidates is just the beginning. What next? Throw them to the wolves and watch if they can survive? We create companies to advance forward, not retreat. In the same way, we should hire in order to retain, not dismiss.

Why Complaints are more important than Sales

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Unhappy customers are ten times louder than happy customers. You should view every single complaint as an opportunity to improve your company, not a threat. Maybe the client is wrong, but that doesn’t mean he can’t complain and talk about it. Win that customer over, again.

Too much work, too little profit

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Everyone runs all-around all day long but at the end of the day, they don't make any or make very little profit. How is this possible? The answer is simple and obvious.

The revenge of your personnel

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:4 mins read

One of the first moves that entrepreneurs make when they find themselves in a difficult position or situation is to reduce wages, make redundancies, or both.

The importance of Speed in Business

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Speed is important but requires proper organizing so as not to backfire. A business with problems in terms of organization, personnel, procedures, and cash flow, can easily make a situation even worst if it tries to become quick simply for the sake of speed.

The success factor that every business overlooks

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Our issue here is not the income or expenses but the processes of a business, an area where very few entrepreneurs give the necessary importance but which affects the company itself, its staff, its customers, sales, a lot more than you can even imagine.

Sales: The Mother of all problems

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:4 mins read

All entrepreneurs face various problems but if you gave them the option to solve only one, it would be sales. Everyone would like more sales and would choose to solve this issue than any other they face or will face.

Why Small business damage the economy

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:6 mins read

I have no doubt that small businesses are necessary but I have some doubts about their ability to offer more to the economy depending on their size and number.

11.1 points for managing people, teams, and how to protect your back

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:9 mins read

The ‘people’ element is tricky. A single ‘person’ requires psychology to understand but when you add a lot of ‘persons’ you get a team, and the team often needs a different approach, most easily understood with the study of sociology.

It’s not a Great Resignation, Work simply lost its Glamour

  • Post category:Important
  • Reading time:9 mins read

Everybody is trying to make sense of the phenomenon of more and more people resigning from their jobs, especially since the start of the pandemic. Is it a response to the pandemic, a change in culture, is it time for a break, the employers’ fault, the employees’ fault, the Governments’ fault?