How wildfires change soil chemistry

The huge, long-lasting wildfires that have become increasingly common in recent years can cause changes in soil chemistry that affect water contamination, air quality, and plant growth. But these changes are poorly monitored and rarely factor into post-fire recovery efforts or risk assessments, according to a review study published May…

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One CISO Can’t Fill Your Board’s Cybersecurity Gaps

Topics Column Our expert columnists offer opinion and analysis on important issues facing modern businesses and managers. More in this series subscribe-icon Subscribe Share Carolyn Geason-Beissel/MIT SMR | Getty Images The chairman of a large European enterprise approached me over drinks at an event for board members and CEOs on…

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A Teacher and Mentor to First-Generation Corporates

Growing up, Gail Ayala Taylor would have heard about business from her father, Reginald “Ricky” Ayala. To Spartans fans, Ayala was the legendary #7 basketball player for Michigan State; to others, he was a distinguished businessman and CEO in Detroit known for his more than 30-year career in hospital administration.…

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Audit and Beyond: The Unbelievably True Story of AuditBoard

Today we are excited to announce that AuditBoard*, a software company specializing in risk-and-compliance software for large enterprises, has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Hg, a global software-and-services investor, for over $3 billion. The last six years of Battery’s partnership with AuditBoard have been, in our view,…

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Chima Ndumele: Reinventing Medicaid

Howie and Harlan are joined by Chima Ndumele of the Yale School of Public Health to discuss his research on structural changes to Medicaid that could keep vulnerable populations healthier. Harlan reports on the remarkable abilities of Google's latest medicine-focused AI; Howie reflects on a study showing the impact of…

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How leaders at progressive organisations can champion AI for good

As AI technologies continue to evolve, businesses are experiencing transformative changes across various dimensions, including efficiency, customer experience (CX), decision-making, and innovation. Amidst this profound shift, many leaders are emerging as pivotal figures, wielding influence not only in steering organisations through the complexities of AI adoption but also in harnessing…

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Banned or Not, TikTok Is a Force Companies Can’t Afford to Ignore

Businesses that dismiss TikTok as merely a platform for teenagers looking to create and consume cat and dance videos do so at their own peril. That’s the message of a Harvard Business School case study tracing the video-sharing app’s explosive rise to the world's most-used platform. Owned by Beijing-based ByteDance,…

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Tracking euro area wages in exceptional times

23 May 2024By Sarah Holton and Gerrit Koester[1]Negotiated wage growth in the euro area increased in the first quarter of 2024. This post on The ECB Blog illustrates how the ECB wage tracker can help to put latest developments in negotiated wage growth into perspective.The ECB wage tracker – an…

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Europe as a ‘Lost Continent’

The shift of the centre of gravity from the Atlantic Ocean region towards East and South Asia is an objective process. Russia and the United States are only indirectly involved in it, and the growing influence of the countries in this region cannot be denied nor stopped. In this context,…

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Information Technology for Africa: A New Threat of Colonisation or the Road to the Future?

On May 22, 2024, the Valdai Club hosted an expert discussion, titled “Advanced Information Technologies as a Driver of Socio-Economic Development for African Countries.” Oleg Barabanov, the moderator of the discussion, called the formation of a new economy based on knowledge one of the key priorities of modern development, adding…

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The Rise of the Indo-Pacific in the Global Supply Chain

Protectionism, decoupling, regionalisation and Covid-19 have shaped and reshaped value chains in the last five years. In particular, the pandemic and other geopolitical dynamics have revealed the deeper interconnectedness between economies, with the protagonist at the centre, undoubtedly, being China. But these global dynamics have not led to tectonic shifts; they…

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Acing Value-Based Sales

Mark Airs/Ikon Images Imagine that burst of enthusiasm when a senior executive unveils a plan that promises a significant and lasting impact on the organization’s financial performance. “Our new product creates more value for our customers than anything else on the market, and we should get paid accordingly,” they proudly…

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Use Russia’s Frozen Assets to Rebuild Ukraine

This commentary originally appeared in Time. Recent battlefield reverses in Ukraine, with Kherson under increasing attack, are powerful reminders that Ukraine needs every penny of support it can get urgently. Yet Western governments still refuse to seize Russia’s $300 billion in frozen assets, even though the idea of making Russia…

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A puzzle for employers: the future of work health and safety laws in Australia

The last several months have seen rapid changes in the employment and workplace health and safety space. With such dynamic movement, and then lots of commentary on each of these changes, it’s easy to view all these changes as one big jumble of puzzle pieces. And it can be hard…

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How market turmoil can affect large projects

  Turmoil in the global economy is exposing an increasing number of large projects to unprecedented productivity and financial pressures. Severe microeconomic issues can arise on projects that stem from unforeseen macroeconomic events. We discuss this evolving situation and potential mitigants below. Introduction Turmoil is defined as “a state of…

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DOL’s Child Labor Enforcement Expected to Be Hotter Than Ever This Summer

Quick Hits The DOL is enforcing child labor laws through two key mechanisms: (1) preventing employers from shipping or profiting from “hot goods” and (2) assessing aggregate civil money penalties. An August 2023 DOL field assistance bulletin advises field agents on identifying violations of “oppressive child labor” and applying the…

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The Importance of Trust for Managing through a Crisis

Brian Kenny: You may have heard of the “Butterfly Effect” in which a butterfly flapping its wings in Texas leads to changes in wind patterns that cause a tornado in Brazil. It's a simple and poetic way to explain Chaos Theory. In February of 2020, the butterfly took the form…

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US Senators Introduce Comprehensive Stablecoin Bill

The bipartisan bill seeks to foster innovation and promote US dollar dominance while protecting consumers and mitigating illicit finance risks. By Jenny Cieplak, Arthur Long, Yvette D. Valdez, Stephen P. Wink, Adam Fovent, and Deric Behar On April 17, 2024, US Senators Cynthia Lummis from the Senate Banking Committee and Kirsten Gillibrand from the Senate…

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One in two children with ADHD experience emotional problems, study finds

In research published in Nature Mental Health, the team found that as many as one in two children with ADHD show signs of emotional dysregulation, and that Ritalin – the commonly-prescribed drug to help the condition – appears to be less effective at treating this symptom.ADHD affects around one in…

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How Africa Can Overcome Its Over-Reliance on Western Technologies

According to African governments, public-private partnerships are expected to play a crucial role in the development of innovation centres. These partnerships involve the state covering only a small portion of the overall costs associated with the construction of these centres, typically around 5-10%. The success of these projects largely depends…

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More than 1,000 may have died in Nazi camps on island of Alderney, report finds

A review of evidence, gathered by a panel of 13 international experts, including Cambridge archaeologist Dr Gilly Carr, has sought to give the most accurate possible assessment of how many prisoners and labourers died on the Channel Island between 1941 to 1945.During this time, crimes were committed against forced and…

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The ABCs of the ECB’s reaction function

22 May 2024By Christophe Kamps[1]Why do central banks mostly give their guidance for future monetary policy in qualitative terms rather than providing a numerical formula? The ECB Blog takes a look through the lens of the “ABCs” of the ECB’s qualitative reaction function.For thousands of years scholars have been chasing…

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How to Come Back Stronger From Organizational Trauma

1. R.M. Vogel and M.C. Bolino, “Recurring Nightmares and Silver Linings: Understanding How Past Abusive Supervision May Lead to Post-Traumatic Stress and Post-Traumatic Growth,” Academy of Management Review 45, no. 3 (July 2020): 549-569. 2. R. Janoff-Bulman, “Assumptive Worlds and the Stress of Traumatic Events: Applications of the Schema Construct,”…

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What the Rise of Far-Right Politics Says About the Economy in an Election Year

As more than 50 countries hold elections in 2024, far-right politicians and policies look poised to gain ground, continuing a years-long trend evident in Europe, the United States, and South America.These movements often stoke grievances about international trade, immigration, fiscal policy, and the size of government and amount of state…

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Cooperation Between Good Neighbours

On May 20th, the Valdai Club hosted an expert discussion titled “Russia and Central Asia in new strategic conditions” following the 4th Central Asian Conference that took place in Ufa on May 14-15. The discussion was moderated by Timofei Bordachev, Programme Director of the Valdai Discussion Club.Political scientist Akbope Abylkasimova,…

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Colorado’s Artificial Intelligence Act: What Employers Need to Know

Quick Hits With Governor Jared Polis’s signing into law SB 24-205, Colorado becomes the first U.S. state to enact comprehensive legislation regulating the use and development of AI systems. The law addresses, among other things, the risk of algorithmic discrimination “arising from the intended and contracted uses of … high-risk…

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Three risks that must be addressed for new European Union fiscal rules to succeed

There is however a solution that would avoid the risk of an early degeneration of the reform. It would require a clarification that, even if a country has been placed in an EDP only for breach of the deficit criterion, it should also satisfy the debt criterion of the EDP…

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Granite Does Not Melt: The Prospects for Cooperation Between Central Asia and Russia

The well-being of the peoples of the six countries of Eurasia, as well as, in many ways, the peace and stability of the region depends on how the trust-based bilateral and multilateral (Central Asia plus Russia) dialogue, as well as the multifaceted cooperation that has developed between the parties is…

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How to Combat an “Always On” Work Culture

Imagine a world where your boss could be fined for contacting you after hours. California is considering a law to make this a reality.  The "right to disconnect" movement is gaining traction globally, with Australia joining France, Italy, Slovakia, Luxembourg, Portugal and the Canadian province of Ontario in passing legislation to empower employees to…

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To Navigate Conflict, Prioritize Dignity

Frontiers Four interrelated practices can bolster dignity, leading to more constructive problem-solving and collaboration. Merrick Hoben May 20, 2024 Reading Time: 5 min  Topics Frontiers An MIT SMR initiative exploring how technology is reshaping the practice of management. More in this series Rafael Lopez/ Conflicts between businesses pursuing commercial objectives…

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An Alliance of Compliance: Why (and How) Founders Should Align with Policymakers

With deepfakers, fraud agents and identity thieves growing in numbers and sophistication, the landscape of cybersecurity technology is growing in parallel. These days, it’s not enough to add an exclamation point to the same password you use for everything (seriously, don’t do that). The proliferation of global cybercrime and data…

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Open your mind, open the world

James Doty, MD, discusses how we can create new neural pathways in our brain to help us advance toward a goal. James Doty starts his new book, Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything (Avery, 2024), with an abrupt and clear statement to readers: The universe…

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Why Investing in Enhanced Organisational Policy Entitlements is a Game-Changer

  During their career most women face obstacles that hinder their progression which has resulted in a disproportionate number of men occupying top positions. Globally it is estimated that women make up 39% of the workforce however they only make up 16% of the traditional energy sector1. In 2023 only…

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Colorado Governor Signs Broad AI Bill Regulating Employment Decisions

Seyfarth Synopsis: On May 17, 2024, Colorado Governor Jared Poils signed Colorado SB 24-205, making Colorado the first state to enact broad legislation regulating employers’ use of AI to make “consequential decisions.” Colorado SB 24-205 broadly covers a wide range of AI applications, including employment, and incentivizes AI risk management practices…

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Guts and Fairness: How Bacteria May Influence Your Behaviour

Every day, we make many decisions that affect not just ourselves but also the people around us. A few examples: Navigating different opinions at a team meeting, tipping wait staff at a restaurant, picking a weekend activity with friends, or choosing between conventional and sustainable but more expensive products. Traditionally, researchers…

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What on earth does the South Pacific have to do with Azerbaijan?

Baku is “meddling” and this meddling is “extremely harmful”. So said Gérald Darmanin after a New Caledonian separatist elected official signed a memorandum of collaboration with the Azerbaijani Parliament. Then there is the involvement of Tavini Huira’atira (formerly the Polynesian Liberation Front) in the Baku Initiative Group, created to “stand…

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Supreme Court Rules FAA Requires Courts to Grant Stay Requests After Compelling Arbitration

Quick Hits The Supreme Court held that Section 3 of the FAA requires federal courts to grant stays of lawsuits after claims are sent to arbitration, if a stay is requested. The ruling resolves a 6–4 circuit split regarding whether federal district courts must stay lawsuits pending arbitration or whether…

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Earth’s earliest sea creatures drove evolution by stirring the water

A study involving the University of Cambridge has used virtual recreations of the earliest animal ecosystems, known as marine animal forests, to demonstrate the part they played in the evolution of our planet.Using state-of-the-art computer simulations of fossils from the Ediacaran time period - approximately 565 million years ago -…

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