Why did I bother coming in?

Why did I bother coming in? – Reimagining the role of the office and our working patterns It’s a no-brainer that the expectations of the workforce have shifted so dramatically that different working patterns are now no longer a ‘nice to have’ but a non-negotiable. Organisations need to quickly adapt to…

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Key considerations for fintech providers

In many cases, fintech providers themselves will also need to ensure compliance with certain regulatory regimes as well as helping their customers to do so. In this article, we provide an overview of some key regulations fintech providers should be aware of when offering services to their regulated customers, including…

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How Long Does a Lawsuit Take?

When a client has asserted a claim against someone and we are unable to negotiate a voluntary resolution, we have to start thinking about plan B—filing a lawsuit to vindicate the client’s rights. Invariably, the client’s first questions are: how much will it cost, and how long will it take?…

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Balancing Valued Tradition With Innovation

Sooner or later, most successful companies face the challenge of updating a cherished old product. Make no changes, and you risk becoming irrelevant to new customers. Change too much, and you may alienate your most loyal customers. So how do you leverage a historically strong brand with sensitivity to heterogeneous…

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Applications for ChatGPT and Retail

Few new technologies have taken the tech, business, and academic world by storm quite like ChatGPT, a generative AI chatbot developed to perform everyday tasks such as answering questions, writing code, or drafting cover letters. A range of plug-ins have allowed for even more applications of this tech, further driving…

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AEM as a Cloud Service – Authentication made simple

Authentication in AEM as a Cloud Service is a critical aspect of securing the platform. It also ensures that only authorized users have access to sensitive data and functionality. In this blog post, we will explore the different authentication options available in AEM as a Cloud Service for author environment,…

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Pensions Update: Spring 2023

Master trusts – Applicability of Pension Adjustment Orders (“PAOs”) An ongoing issue in respect of master trusts is the applicability of pension adjustment orders (“PAOs”) made prior to a scheme transferring to the master trust. These orders would have been made by the Court in relation to the original pension…

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Companies Implementing ‘Super-Voting Preferred Stock’ as Stockholder Meeting Solution

Increasingly, many small-cap and microcap public companies are failing to secure stockholder approval of critical proposals, particularly for reverse stock splits and authorized share increases. With heavy concentration of shares held in street name (i.e., by retail investors in US brokerage accounts), these companies historically have relied on brokerage firms…

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Advanced chip packaging: How manufacturers can play to win

Semiconductor wafers are the basis of the integrated circuits so crucial to most of today’s technology. The wafers’ packaging—whether metal, plastic, ceramic, or glass—connects them to their environment and protects them from chemical contamination and damage from light, heat, and impacts. Compared with the front-end process of designing and fabricating…

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Green Hydrogen investor pathway

Hydrogen-derived green energy is widely perceived as a potential game-changer in tackling climate change. With the pressure to reduce global emissions and achieve temperature targets, it is the focus of numerous innovators, businesses, and financial institutions. Increasingly, the question of green hydrogen is coming to the fore in both the…

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EU Commission publishes the first list of very large platforms to fall under the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA) stricter regime

EU Commission publishes the first list of very large platforms to fall under the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA) stricter regime The European Commission has confirmed 19 online platforms and search engines identified as ‘very large online platforms’ (VLOPs) and ‘very large online search engines’ (VLOSEs) for the purposes of…

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Invest in the Metaverse for first-mover advantage

The Metaverse and its associated technology have raised concerns from its inception. But the objections often take short-term, attention-grabbing views that discount the potential of the technology, and the need for early adoption for any emerging tech or business looking to innovate in the space. So, whilst this recent critique…

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R and D Tax 101

We speak to companies every day who don’t believe the UK’s R&D incentive schemes apply to them. In reality, the definition of R&D for tax purposes covers a much broader range of activities than you might think, and some of your everyday activity could likely qualify as well. The schemes…

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UK Local elections 2023 – what have we learned?

Greg Campbell assesses the impact of the May 2023 local elections, held in 230 councils in England, and draws out key lessons and questions. When a party leadership projects a number of election losses, they believe the reality will be appreciably less bad so they can claim a ‘victory’. Greg…

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Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Regulations Introduction

  In today’s interconnected digital world, data privacy and cybersecurity have become crucial concerns for individuals, businesses, and governments alike.   Introduction In today’s digital landscape, data privacy and cybersecurity have become paramount concerns for individuals, businesses, and governments. Safeguarding personal information and ensuring robust cybersecurity measures are essential to…

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Can customers tell you how to run your business?

The business benefits of moving from customer-centric to customer-driven strategy  Businesses talk a big game about customer needs, specifically the ways their particular products can meet those needs. We call this the ‘customer centric’ approach which puts the customer 'at the heart of everything a business does’. While this seems like…

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Take a Skills-Based Approach to Culture Change

Companies worldwide are launching interventions to create innovative organizational cultures that support effective responses to shifts in their business environments. But many well-intentioned programs aimed at cultural change fail to affect employees in a meaningful way, leaving organizations unfit for transformation despite having invested hundreds or even thousands of employee…

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What’s Happening With the Metaverse? 

It appears the metaverse is dominating conversations and news headlines more and more, but perhaps for all the wrong reasons. You’ve probably seen some of the latest updates, like Zuckerburg burying the metaverse and Microsoft saying “see ya” to it. While there is truth to these updates and they are,…

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Empowering Inclusion: The Power of Assistive Technology and Digital Accessibility

In today’s digital age, technology has transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world. However, not everyone benefits equally from these advancements. Many individuals with disabilities face barriers to accessing and utilizing digital platforms and technologies. This is where assistive technology and digital accessibility come into play,…

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Court Provides Guidance Regarding Employer Vaccine Mandates

Seyfarth Synopsis: In a published decision, a California Court of Appeal has ruled that a hospital’s decision to terminate an employee for failing to comply with its flu vaccine mandate did not violate California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) prohibition on disability discrimination. Hodges v. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. The…

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The beauty market in 2023: A special State of Fashion report

In 2022, the beauty market—defined as skincare, fragrance, makeup, and haircare—generated approximately $430 billion in revenue. Today, beauty is on an upward trajectory across all categories. It has proven to be resilient amid global economic crises and in a turbulent macroeconomic environment. Beauty is now an industry that many people,…

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The Pain of Honest Evaluations

People are funny. We reason with ourselves that we want the truth, but we prove time and again that we prefer being lied to. If your gut reaction to that statement is defiance, there is a strong chance that you’re lying to yourself about your own emotions. This article isn’t…

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Global Economics Intelligence executive summary, April 2023

Inflation continues to moderate in multiple regions and countries but remains high, and central banks look set to maintain a path of interest rate interventions. However, interest rates and sentiment are weighing on growth projections and the picture is somewhat patchy, with growth in some emerging economies such as China…

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The HR Landscape: Economic challenges starting to bite British workforce

The British workforce is experiencing a noticeable shift. Even before the pandemic, the UK had been grappling with productivity problems. Now, the post-pandemic landscape has brought new challenges such as ‘burnout’, ‘quiet quitting’, and ‘Great Fatigue.’ This has led to questions about a motivation freefall in the workforce. It’s not…

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Why ESG will be at the forefront of 6G

17 March 2023 Consumers and investors are increasingly focused on how seriously companies take their responsibilities to society and sustainability. Amit Nagpal, Partner at Aetha Consulting, says that environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting will provide the metrics by which investors, companies and their customers judge performance and how sustainability…

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The Benefits of Experiential Retail

When was the last time you really had fun shopping? According to a recent Squire Patton Boggs report, entertainment is “the most important aspect of a meaningful retail experience.” Moreover, younger shoppers care even more about their experience while shopping. In response, retailers continue to find new ways to bring…

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In the near term, commercial real estate may not hedge inflation

Commercial real estate (CRE) has long enjoyed a reputation for being a good hedge against inflation, yet even industry veterans might be hard-pressed to explain exactly why. Has it delivered better real (inflation-adjusted) returns during inflationary periods than at other times? Has it outperformed other asset classes during inflationary periods?…

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Climate Action Litigation: Where is it headed? 

Recent years have seen private individuals and NGOs increasingly using the courts to enforce rights in the climate sphere.  This seems to be a trend that is only going on one direction and represent a risk of which Governments and corporates alike are going to need to be increasingly aware.…

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Bed Bath & Bankruptcy: Lessons for Senior Leaders

Bed Bath & Beyond (BB&B) finally filed for bankruptcy on April 23, 2023, after surviving a near-death experience earlier in the year thanks to a last-minute equity infusion from an opportunistic investor. The termination of that agreement and the subsequent failure to raise sufficient capital through new share issuance and…

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Looking into the AI crystal ball

Looking into the AI crystal ball 14 March 2022 by Linda Sheehan With 2023 in full swing, it is clear that AI will continue to play an increasingly significant role in the business landscape. The demand for AI solutions and data-driven insights is on the rise, as businesses of all…

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The AI and ChatGPT Boom: What You Need to Know

Chances are, you’re hearing a lot of hype around AI. However, there’s a fine line between hype and distraction.  To keep up in the rapidly evolving digital landscape, it’s critical that consultants understand how AI can enhance and facilitate their work. In fact, we predict that professionals who learn and…

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Strengthen your organisation by addressing the weakest links

Conventional wisdom says that building on the strengths of an organisation is the most direct path to business success. It’s also the foundation of most value growth plans and talent management, which focuses on increasing the performance of high-performers. But leaders continue to scratch their heads as despite all their…

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New research from Elixirr: How do CEOs and athletes compare?

Research released by Elixirr reveals how both C-level and professional sportspeople achieve success in their fields, with both CEOs and professional athletes believing that being more mentally resilient than their competitors is the top driver of high performance. While the physical requirements of elite athletes are revered and celebrated, the…

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SaaS in 2023

What is SaaS? SaaS or Software-as-a-Service is a licensing model in which the provider hosts the application and makes it available to customers over the Internet. By accessing software on a subscription basis, they let the SaaS provider manage, secure, and maintain the digital tools. This way, companies can finally…

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Civility Partners: Three More Brilliant Tips for Dealing with an Angry Boss

According to a survey conducted by the Workplace Bullying Institute, managers and bosses represent a staggering 65% of people who bully in the workplace. That number is far too high, and it’s time to equip yourself with the tools needed to deal with it. Civility Partners is a consulting and…

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Capturing the value of ‘one firm’

The value of working together is intuitive to most leaders. Capturing the full value of operating as one firm, however, is elusive for most. Those who drive integration and standardization from the top down often stifle business-level innovation, entrepreneurship, and client responsiveness, which can further create talent attraction and retention issues.

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The Tale of the Evil Market and the Good Basic Supply Network

There’s a lot of political stalling and idealization going on. The Energy Commission of the Swiss National Council recently decided to stick with an only partially liberalized energy market. It’s following the lead of the Council of States, which has also rejected the idea of a full opening of the…

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A word from a Pro HR Manager: Todays Hiring Trends

Companies may attract and keep the greatest personnel in the market by implementing virtual recruiting, giving DEI projects top priority, embracing the gig economy, emphasizing skills over degrees, and investing in employer branding.

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The End of the Liberal Order in Switzerland, the Land of Banks

Alfred Escher’s bank is history. A toxic cocktail of private mismanagement, governmental knee-jerk reactions and shaken confidence has taken its toll. The history of scandals and mismanagement at Credit Suisse had long weighed heavily. According to reports, clients and major investors had been divesting themselves of the Swiss bank’s products…

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The Concentration of Critical Minerals

Recently, a discovery of so-called rare earths in Kiruna, Sweden, caused a great uproar in the media. Rare earths are a group of 17 elements that are often grouped together because they occur commonly and have similar properties. The EU Commission lists them as critical raw materials alongside metals like…

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