How to help forests fight climate change

Forests across the United States are major contributors to the fight against climate change, annually removing damaging excess carbon from the atmosphere equivalent to approximately 13 percent of overall U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. According to a new report published today by Stanford Law School’s (SLS) Law and Policy Lab and…

Menopause, Menstrual Health and Workplace Policies

Last week, the British Standards Institution (BSI) celebrated the launch of its new guidance aimed at supporting employers to better retain experienced employees by enabling them to prioritise the needs of those experiencing menstruation or menopause. ‘Understanding the Menopause and Menstrual Health’ sets out recommendations and guidance for creating a…

NYC to Consider Indoor Air Quality Regulations

  • Post category:Seyfarth Shaw LLP
  • Reading time:3 mins read

  Seyfarth Synopsis: The COVID-19 pandemic and wildfire smoke shrouding the skies over the East Coast this summer have drawn more attention to indoor air quality, leading the New York City Council to propose indoor air quality resolutions.  Indoor air quality has long been a source of employee health complaints. While…

UK Government Announces Upcoming Changes in Employment Law

  • Post category:Cooley Law Firm
  • Reading time:8 mins read

The UK government has announced its intention to limit the duration of noncompete post-termination restrictions in employment contracts to a maximum of three months. Noncompete covenants are designed to provide business protection to an employer by seeking to restrict a former employee from undertaking employment with a rival competitor for…

AI-sia: What’s happening in Asia on AI?

  • Post category:DLA Piper
  • Reading time:6 mins read

More than half a year since the public launch of ChatGPT in late 2022, AI and generative AI remains a hot topic all around the globe. Companies and businesses of all sizes and from all regions are still looking for ways AI can help them deliver better products and services,…

AI can coach you to lose weight. But a human touch still helps

Given artificial intelligence’s ability to mimic humans’ problem-solving ability, it’s not surprising that many people are turning to AI-powered wellness coaches to help them plan exercise routines, track their nutrition, and set goals for losing weight. However, in one important aspect, these apps may not be able to match their…

Building virtual storage in electricity

  • Post category:CapGemini
  • Reading time:7 mins read

Is there a shortcut?   Dr Danica Vukadinovic Greetham Flexibility and predictability in electric grids – multi-scale challenges and future directions through meso-level aggregation. Needed: Intelligent Local Grids. When: Immediately The push to NetZero places most of its bets on electrification[1]. While, on average, total UK electricity demand has been…

Optimizing the Customer Experience: Enhancing Satisfaction and Loyalty

  • Post category:NMS Consulting
  • Reading time:20 mins read

To optimize the customer experience, businesses must first gain a deep understanding of their customers’ needs and preferences. In today’s competitive business landscape, optimizing the customer experience has become paramount. With consumers having more choices than ever before, providing a seamless and delightful experience has become a key differentiator for…

Whistleblowers and Trade Secrets: Does the DTSA Protect Confidential Data?

  • Post category:Ogletree Deakins
  • Reading time:3 mins read

  Employers often go to great lengths to protect company documents and communications concerning and discussing confidential trade secret information. But what happens when employees leave, bring a whistleblower claim, and the employer learns they have sent themselves numerous confidential communications containing trade secret information? What about when an employee…

Washington: Will You Let AI Make Us Healthier?

The world is amidst an AI-driven industrial revolution. As a16z cofounder Marc Andreessen recently wrote, AI will save the world. The United Kingdom just staked its claim on the AI frontier, challenging US policymakers to reaffirm America’s role as the powerhouse of tech innovation. Whether we let it improve the health of Americans is…

What Is Instagram’s Threads? Everything You Need To Know

  • Post category:Hootsuite Inc.
  • Reading time:17 mins read

If you were on vacation last week, buckle up: Instagram Threads is the hot topic right now. The text-based app has taken social media by storm, with over 100 million new users joining in the first week. But what exactly is Threads, and does it replace existing apps like Instagram…

How to Know When You Need to Fire Your Customer

  • Post category:Battery Ventures
  • Reading time:7 mins read

A startup spends so much energy on acquiring and retaining its customers that voluntarily severing its relationship with any of them feels like self-inflicted harm. Yet, when necessary, acting decisively to “fire” a customer can mean the difference between survival and failure for a young company. By far the most…

What drives dating app users

Satisfaction with online dating app depends on what you’re looking for A new study shows that some Tinder users access the the app to cope with negative emotions, but they may not find what they’re looking for. Author Nina BaiPublished on July 6, 2023July 6, 2023 With an estimated 75…

The future of seeing

Neuroscientist Kalanit Grill-Spector studies the physiology of human vision and says that the ways computers and people see are in some ways similar, but in other ways quite different. In fact, she says, rapid advances in computational modeling, such as deep neural networks, applied to brain data and new imaging…

Investing in

When social and music platforms started taking off in the 2000s, many musicians saw the huge potential of global distribution networks to showcase their artistic talent and connect with fans. Unfortunately, as they consolidated more power and leverage, the platforms acted more as gatekeepers – ceding little control and extracting…

What Does It Mean to Be Generous?

Q: Are there key questions that have guided your career? All my research looks at judgment and decision making. I’ve done work on couples’ financial behavior. I’ve looked at how emotion influences our perception of risk. I’m quite interested in our moral intuitions and how they align with our actual…

“It couldn’t happen here …” (or could it?)

Board members must ask the right questions to achieve assurance when it comes to health and safety. Campbell Tickell has produced a briefing for Board members which aims to equip them with an overall understanding of some key issues and a good set of questions for them to pursue. Find…

Deglobalisation: risk or reality?

After decades of being both hero and villain, globalisation is said to be on the retreat. There is a common perception that companies are diversifying supply chains and relocating business closer to home. So, are we heading towards deglobalisation? We dig deeper and find that the data tell a different…

Can You Make a Donation Today—and Tell All Your Friends?

In the summer of 2015, a woman named Dawn Dorland donated a kidney to a stranger. She set up a private Facebook group to update her friends about the surgery and her recovery. Unbeknownst to Dorland, some group members decided that sharing the news of her generosity was a form…

Exploring industrial design protection for software in Canada

  • Post category:Gowling WLG
  • Reading time:4 mins read

While you are probably aware that you can use patents and copyright to protect your software, websites and apps, you might not be aware of another valuable form of intellectual property protection: industrial designs. Industrial designs can be a cost-effective way to protect user interfaces and icons. Industrial designs protect…

How to create an inclusive work environment in a hybrid workplace

  • Post category:Clarasys
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Post-Covid, leaders are encouraging their teams to head back to the office, aiming to create an inclusive work environment. But have employees been as eager to return? Clarasys consultant Ana Sukhishvili looks at hybrid workplace best practices. Pre-pandemic, employees were already showing a desire for flexibility at work. Fast forward…

The Business Impact of Great Managers

  • Post category:Perceptyx
  • Reading time:4 mins read

The impact of great management on workplace outcomes and employee health and well-being cannot be overstated. A good boss can make your work life feel a lot like a walk in the park, even on days when it's more of a hike. You feel heard, encouraged, and inspired, resulting in…

EU Launches Crypto-Assets Regulation

  • Post category:Cooley Law Firm
  • Reading time:8 mins read

In September 2020, the European Commission adopted a digital finance package with the aim of creating a supportive regulatory framework to enable the digital transformation of the European Union’s financial industry. It established the groundbreaking piece of regulation – the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCAR) – to provide a harmonised…

Working Assumption: Factors Slowing AI’s Impact on Jobs

  • Post category:DLA Piper
  • Reading time:14 mins read

“How will this affect my job?” “It could never do my job!” We hate to disagree, but it is almost certainly the case that at least part of your current role could be performed by an AI. The discussion of the possible impact of AI on the workforce is being…

European autonomy in payments: Digital euro is not the only option

  • Post category:Deutsche Bank AG
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Inspired by the overarching goal to strengthen the EU’s strategic autonomy, its authorities are pushing for a retail payment solution provided by European players and functioning in all member states as well as across national borders. European citizens already enjoy a wide choice of payment options. However, card and mobile/online…

Africa can be the “Clean, Green Continent of the Future”

  • Post category:Gowling WLG
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Committing to sustainable energy development can be achieved alongside socio-economic development First stated by President William Ruto in his welcome address on the opening morning of the conference and then reiterated throughout, it is clear that leaders on the African continent see sustainable energy development and socio-economic development as not…

How are World markets faring in 2023?

At the halfway point of the year, some of the key themes which have influenced global markets through the early months of 2023 have continued to dominate. Charlie Buxton, our Head of Investment Management, spoke to Ian Hooper, Chief Investment Officer at Progeny, to explore some of the recent developments.…

Dealing with Workplace Jerks

  • Post category:Civility Partners
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Different personalities exist in every workplace, and among them, some individuals can make work challenging for others. These individuals tend to be selfish, aggressive, and arrogant, causing disruptions to morale and productivity in the workplace. Unfortunately, the prevalence of toxic coworkers is increasing, making it a frustrating task to handle…

Money matters – tackling tough conversations about finance

Talking about money can feel uncomfortable and be fraught with challenges. In this new series, Trust Executive Shannon Brightman, explores some of the tough conversations about finance that come up at different stages of life and offer some thoughts about how you can approach some of those challenging discussions. It’s…

China, Russia, Iran, Are Just Following The US Example

  The US’s historical ascent to global dominance, and the implications for China, Russia, and today’s geopolitical landscape On this week’s WhoWhatWhy podcast, we delve into the dynamics of rising powers with Sean A. Mirski, author of the new book, We May Dominate the World. Mirski, a lawyer and foreign…

Helping adolescents feel competent and purposeful may improve grades

Encouraging adolescents to feel capable and purposeful – rather than just happy – could improve their academic results as well as their mental health, according to new research which recommends changing how wellbeing is supported in schools. The University of Cambridge study, involving over 600 teenagers from seven English schools,…

Accenture Song Helps smart Europe Reinvent the Car Shopping Experience

  • Post category:Accenture
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Accenture has teamed up with smart Europe to establish its data-driven, direct-to-consumer (DTC) business model in Europe, repositioning the iconic brand and supporting the launch of its new fully electrical car lines, starting with the smart #1, with an innovative take on the car customization experience. Together the companies’ ambition…